Recently, due to the launch of 4G mobile networks, the Spaniards had to re-adjust all TV sets. Their data transmission speed (10 times higher than the third generation) requires the release of the frequency band that has been occupied by several TDT channels to date. 4G is a fact, but we are approaching the 5G revolution. 5G network development is currently underway to provide a network capacity that is one thousand times higher than existing mobile networks. But what is 5G? How will it affect our lives and when is it available?
European Commission Network Futures – Mario Campolargo, director of DG CONNECT, said that 5G is not 4G + 1 “.5G means making super-connection, the network society becomes a reality, objects and people are connected to each other, information flow is almost unlimited due to system coverage and capacity. So the device can learn from our habits and help us “think better”, connecting us with friends by thinking or ensuring continuous medical monitoring, which will become a reality. 2020